In our Technical Assistance Unit, we bring together leading Indonesian trainers in microfinance with other areas of expertise. Trainers are certified with wide range of CGAP microfinance training as well as practical experience managing the full range of microfinance institutions, from self-help groups to foundations, cooperatives, and BPR, including commercial banks.
We have our own growing body of internal training and consulting materials and tools based on international best-practice standards (e.g. Citibank Foundation training materials in both Bahasa Indonesia and English). Assisted by international training specialists in microfinance with over 30 years of technical capacity-building expertise, we design trainings to deliver lasting client skills and capabilities, building real institutional capacity for the long term.
We perform specialised MFI appraisals and ratings on behalf of MFIs, donors, investors, and the government, using the PRIME rating tool. The service provides independent expert evaluation and verification of individual MFI performance, based on international microfinance best practice and Indonesian commercial banking reporting norms.
The PRIME rating tool, appraisal tool, and Investor Report were developed by MICRA staff in cooperation with IFC PENSA, specifically for the Indonesian market over the course of the joint IFC PENSA/Mercy Corps Commercial Linkages Pilot Project. The tools are based on national and international standards, providing information for the national banking industry, as well as international investors.
Since September 2005, MICRA conducted more than 400 rating activities covering Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Banda Aceh, Central Java, Lampung, Maluku, North Sumatra, NTT, South Sulawesi, and Bali.


Our Research and Innovation Unit works to address the critical development needs of the Indonesian microfinance sector by conducting research and developing and disseminating new technical materials on microfinance innovations. The unit conducts original social and market research in microfinance on behalf of MFIs, donors, government and other parties. In addition, the Unit conducts impact research, to gauge the success of different products and strategies, as well as to determine levels of social performance.
We are committed to actively translate research findings and MICRA field experience into innovative practical training and consulting tools for MFIs in Indonesia. MICRA training materials are based on international best practice standards and are developed by both Indonesian and international experts in training material development.
Indonesia has shown promising growth in its Islamic banking sector, averaging 35% per year - more than doubling the conventional banking average of 15%. Currently, there are 34 Islamic banks (BUS & UUS), 158 banks of BPR Syariah and 4,000 institutions of KSP Syariah/BMT. These numbers are insufficient to serve Muslims in Indonesia, who account for 88% of the country's 255 million strong population.
We in MICRA are ready to help individuals, institutions, and companies to launch and construct BPR Sharia and Cooperative Islamic KSP / BMT across the country in order to meet rising demand for Sharia banking and financial services.. With more than 20 years experience in banking and microfinance, our team of specialists provides top tier service to local communities.


We have a specialised Service Management Unit formed to help stakeholders in establishing microfinance institutions (BPR, KSU, BMT, CU, etc). The assistance includes -- but not limited to -- feasibility study, permission to establish an MFI, recruitment of employees, Code of Conduct arrangement and management assistance. In addition, this unit also provides technical assistance to microfinance institutions that have been established relating to re-organization, restructuring, and strategic development.
Our Service Management Unit is composed of academics and practitioners who have experience in banking, microfinance market and institutions in Indonesia and Asia for more than 20 years.
We assist in managing funding awarded by international donors to microfinance institutions. Acting as their partner, we help the organisations in developing the project from the beginning till the end, assisting in implementation monitoring and reporting. MICRA's unit managing grant fund engages in the following activities:
Grant fund investment management
Narrative and financial reporting
Impact assessment